
Selecting market research software: tips and tricks

How can you best navigate the complex journey of evaluating, selecting, implementing, and using new research technology? It's not an easy road. Our marketing lead, Michael Howard, gives some tips in his latest article for the Insights Association, "Best practices for evaluating, testing and adopting new market research software."

In the article, Michael acknowledges that selecting the right software - for market research and any other industry -  can be a challenging process due to the myriad of options and potential workflow disruptions. But simply avoiding new innovations isn't an option. He writes:  "Starting out with a fundamental understanding of some of the challenges you may encounter during the market research software buying journey is a good step in the right direction."

He outlines some key areas that software buyers should consider when purchasing new market research software:

  • Focus on user interface: If you and  your team can't navigate the tools, then they are worthless and require time-consuming workarounds. Find solutions that prioritize usability (ask for demos and testing) and implement during slow work periods to allow for an inevitable learning curve.
  • Identify your specific needs: Every company has different processes and priorities, so find a tool that is "fit-for-purpose" to directly address your needs. Determine the right questions to ask vendors up front, and find solutions that are flexible and agile for an evolving technology landscape.
  • Market research software: Data quality, accuracy and reliability are just a few of the unique concerns we have as researchers. This adds another layer of complexity to the software purchase process, so Michael says to set up personalized demo environments, ask for case studies and testimonials and do all your due diligence up front. "I can’t stress enough just how important it is to select software that adheres to industry standards and employs rigorous validation methods."
He concludes the article with: "As market researchers, understanding consumer behavior and informing business decisions is vital. The right software can enhance capabilities, providing deeper insights and more efficient workflows. Careful evaluation, planning, and strategic implementation will ensure successful adoption of new market research tools, helping organizations stay ahead and deliver exceptional value."

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