
Leveraging insights to drive strategy Aparnaa Rajasekaran of Georgia-Pacific

Written by Infotools | 26 Jun 2024

We recently chatted with Aparnaa Rajasekaran, the Segment Insights and Strategy Manager for Georgia-Pacific’s commercial business on our podcast Aparnaa shared her journey and expertise in uncovering and activating market insights to drive business outcomes. With a rich background in sales, brand marketing, and insights, Aparnaa offered valuable perspectives on how insights professionals can significantly impact business strategy.

As with many of our episodes, we started by talking a bit about career journey. Aparnaa's has been guided by a mix of serendipity and a passion for excellence. With a strong entrepreneurial spirit and an inquisitive nature, she has built a well-rounded professional background that spans sales, brand marketing, and consumer insights. Aparnaa’s formal education in technology has also been instrumental in her approach to market research. Her journey into market research was fueled by a deep interest in consumer psychology. Also important to note: she loves the book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Importance of consumer insights

In today's data-rich environment, Aparnaa emphasizes the critical role of consumer insights in driving business success. Companies are inundated with data, and the ability to translate this data into actionable insights is what sets successful businesses apart. Understanding consumer needs, identifying market opportunities, and enhancing customer experience are essential for fostering loyalty and driving innovation. For Aparnaa, insights are not just about data but about making informed decisions that lead to better business outcomes.

Influencing business strategy

Aparnaa discusses the importance of influencing business strategy through insights. She believes that influence is a leadership skill, and insights professionals have a powerful tool at their disposal to drive positive change. Effective influence involves presenting insights in a way that is meaningful and actionable for the leadership team. Aparnaa stresses the importance of understanding the business context, knowing the decision-making process, and communicating insights clearly and concisely.

Communicating insights to different audiences

Aparnaa highlights the need to tailor insights communication based on the audience. For senior leadership, the focus should be on presenting a clear perspective on how insights can solve business challenges. This involves understanding the decision-making stage and being part of the solution rather than just presenting data. For other departments like sales and innovation, the approach may vary. Sales teams, for instance, benefit from snackable, digestible insights that help them close deals and establish thought leadership.

Strategies for senior leadership engagement

Getting a seat at the table with senior leadership is something many in the field struggle with, and it requires a strategic approach. Aparnaa’s MKAS framework (Mindset, Knowledge, Authority, Soft Skills) serves as a guide for insights professionals. Having the right mindset is fundamental, allowing insights professionals to think like strategists. Knowledge and authority in research methodologies and business context are essential to provide meaningful insights. Building trust, establishing credibility, and effective storytelling are critical soft skills for engaging senior leadership.

Advice for aspiring insights professionals

For those new to the field, Aparnaa offers practical advice on building a solid foundation. She suggests conducting a self-assessment using the MKAS framework to identify strengths and areas for improvement. Seeking feedback from mentors and peers, stepping out of comfort zones, and continuously learning are key steps to developing the skills needed to create positive business impact. Aparnaa emphasizes the importance of staying connected to the business and understanding broader business goals to enhance the relevance of insights.

She says: "If there's one thing that I want to leave this conversation with: remember as a researcher, you have special power to see things that others may not, you can spot those bright spots, you can find those white space, use that superpower to impact big things."