
ESOMAR achieves 98% time savings in global report preparation with Harmoni

Transforming global insights delivery with Infotools' market research dashboard solution

ESOMAR is a worldwide membership organization, providing a global hub for the research, insights, and analytics sectors. Reaching more than 50,000 individuals in over 130 countries, the organization seeks to empower insights professionals and businesses. One way ESOMAR accomplishes this mission is by conducting in-depth global research on the state of the industry and other relevant topics. It then provides the data to its members to use for business investment plans, growth opportunities, research projects, market studies and to drive strategic decision making.  

The challenge

ESOMAR needed a way to share research results from its Global Users and Buyers of Insights study, a multinational, ongoing study, in an engaging and interactive way. Longitudinal data that is complex, varied and global in nature is difficult to present in an easily digestible manner. The data in this study gives a window into buyer-side skills, resources, capabilities and activities, as well as their needs, helping ESOMAR members forecast demand and tailor offerings. 

Rather than simply providing members with raw data, the organization’s research team was seeking a visually engaging dashboard that was powerful enough to cover a large variety of topics, organize disparate ideas, allow for global, regional and cross-national comparisons and more. Online dashboards are a sought-after capability for ESOMAR’s members and customers. 

To add another layer of complexity, ESOMAR needed to limit dashboard access to only those members and customers who had purchased the report.

The solution

The organization turned to long-time ESOMAR member, Infotools, for help. Infotools’ Harmoni platform offers a comprehensive suite of capabilities that made it the ideal choice for ESOMAR’s needs. Not only does Harmoni allow users to spend less time processing research data and more time analyzing it, but it also makes it easy to provide stakeholders with valuable findings and actionable insights. Its reporting capabilities are robust, allowing the creation of beautiful and interactive charts, reports, and dashboards with the click of a button, highlighting significant data points. Sharing insights is straightforward and compelling, and Harmoni offers permissioned access for different users. 

By partnering with Infotools, ESOMAR was able to implement a high-powered dashboard by only exchanging a few emails with the Infotools’ team. Producing this internally would have been extremely time intensive and difficult.

“Harmoni allows us to offer a unique service that adds value to our report. Having a centralized dashboard to present the findings is a huge benefit for our members and customers, and this wasn’t something we could have created ourselves.”
Xabier Palacio

Head of Intelligence, Advocacy and Standards, ESOMAR

The result

Harmoni is now a standard addition to ESOMAR’s Global Users and Buyers of Insights report, providing an invaluable, centralized dashboard to present findings for members and customers. Harmoni’s versatility brings a level of dynamism to the report that a written report could never achieve. It also allows users to enrich their knowledge by customizing the data to their needs. 

  • Enormous 98% time savings: With Harmoni, the ESOMAR team went from spending 16 hours to produce one report, to spending only 20 minutes. 
  • Interactive dashboard value: Providing members and customers access via Harmoni’s dashboard is an added benefit and unique selling point for the Global Users and Buyers of Insights study.
  • Targeted data exploration: Individual countries have access to their own data, which is very useful for them and much more relevant than having to sift through the study’s entire dataset. 
  • Selective admission: Harmoni’s built-in collaboration parameters allowed ESOMAR to determine the level of access and visibility for individuals and certain groups, gating the dashboard for access only by members and paying customers. 
“It’s hard to pick what was better: the time savings or the value our members can get out of the study through Harmoni. Either way, working with the Infotools team was easy, and we were able to launch the dashboard quickly and seamlessly.”
Xabier Palacio

Head of Intelligence, Advocacy and Standards, ESOMAR

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