
The storytelling & data-driven decision dance with Brian Robinson

We recently hosted Brian W Robinson, former leader of analytics teams at Meta and Yahoo! and author of "Project Boing," on our podcast. He discussed with us the importance of balancing the creativity of storytelling with the power and robustness of data in market research. Robinson emphasizes that impactful market research involves striking a balance between data analysis and compelling narrative - rather than just leaning on one over the other.

Starting with a background in engineering and playwriting (and even a stint in a grunge band in 1990s Seattle), Brian navigated through various roles in the tech industry, including a stint at Microsoft, before making significant contributions at Yahoo and Meta. He says he ended up in market research quite by accident as the industry "welcomes people who make poor early career choices."

Brian shares insights on the evolving role of storytelling in market research and analytics. He highlights the critical need for market researchers to stay true to data while crafting narratives that resonate and drive action. Brian's approach involves using data as the "power source" and stories as the medium to convey that power effectively. He underscores the necessity of providing context to data, ensuring that the insights presented lead to actionable outcomes.

Throughout the discussion, Brian touches on several key themes:

  1. Career Path: From engineering at UC Davis to playwriting at Yale, and ultimately into the tech industry, Brian's career trajectory is a testament to the diverse skill sets that can converge in market research.

  2. Storytelling in Market Research: Emphasizing the balance between data and narrative, Brian discusses how effective storytelling can make a team more effective and how it has shaped his career and his novel.

  3. Market Research Challenges: Brian explores common pitfalls in the industry, such as over-reliance on data without context and the need for market researchers to adapt their communication styles to their audience.

  4. AI and Market Research: Comparing the pivot to mobile with the current AI trend, Brian reflects on how market researchers can help organizations stay ahead by embracing new technologies and methodologies.

  5. Writing and Creativity: Brian's novel, "Project Boing," serves as both a personal outlet and a commentary on the tech industry's impact on individuals. He shares his inspiration and the process behind writing his book.

Brian's experiences at Yahoo and Meta, including his role in building analytics practices and navigating organizational changes, provide valuable insights for anyone in the market research and analytics field. His advice for aspiring professionals includes the importance of concise communication, understanding your audience, and maintaining a balance between creativity and data integrity.

Tune in to this episode to learn more about Brian W Robinson's fascinating journey and his perspectives on the evolving landscape of market research and analytics. You can find "Project Boing" available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes.

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